
Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is now both in-person and on zoom (please contact the Rector or the Parish Office for log-in details).  It is a short service centred on a Bible reading and prayers for the coming day.

Holy Communion

A short communion service from the Book of Common Prayer.

Parish Eucharist

Choral Evensong

Hymns & Pimms

Come and sing your favourite hymns with a glass of Pimms in the churchyard!

Parish Eucharist for Sea Sunday

The Saint Martin Singers

A Celebration Of Summer in poetry, prose and music Director: Charles Talbot Free entry. Donations in aid of St Mary’s Choral Foundation

Children’s Service – Afternoon tea at the vicarage

A short service of songs, story and prayers for children and their grown ups, lasting about 40 minutes. Each month will have its own theme.


Scholars’ showcase