

The work of the Team


Our three churches, St John’s, St Mary’s and St Matthias, work together as equal partners in the Team Ministry. We aim to be an inclusive Christian community – with a welcome to people of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances. Our churches provide safe places where everyone is able to explore faith, ask questions and can find a spiritual home.


We try to support people at key times in their lives (baptism, confirmation, wedding, funeral), and we also help our local food bank and those living on the streets through our partnership with Glass Door.


Running costs


Like so many charities during the pandemic, our income has greatly reduced but our running costs have remained constant as most relates to our church buildings. Any financial support you can offer is much appreciated.


Online Donations

You can donate online, and Gift Aid your donation if applicable, via our Give-a-Little account here.



Cheques, made payable to ‘Richmond Team Ministry’, can still be sent to :
The Parish Office, The Vicarage, Ormond Road, Richmond TW10 6TH
Thank you for your generosity.