Children’s Service – New Beginnings

A short service of songs, story and prayers for children and their grown ups, lasting about 40 minutes. Each month will have its own theme.


Antiquum Documentum – Late Tudor and Jacobean Sacred vocal Music


Patronal Choral Scholars recital


With Barnaby Silverstone (organ)

Children’s Service – Pentecost

A short service of songs, story and prayers for children and their grown ups, lasting about 40 minutes. Each month will have its own theme.


With Eva Gowen (soprano)

Parish Eucharist and the St Mary Magdalene ACM

All Age Eucharist with Easter Egg Hunt


With Fran Stafford (soprano) and Emily Hoh (piano)

Children’s Service – Exciting Easter

A short service of songs, story and prayers for children and their grown ups, lasting about 40 minutes. Each month will have its own theme.